My Journal


My name is Elsa Ramos. I just turned 20 years old and I'm still in high school. yes its not a good look , but to me school was not my main priority. I had a hard time trying to focus in school, I would get so addicted to cutting and not doing what i was suppose to. I was your typical teenager, that didn't want to hear anything from her parents. I live with my mother and my sister. which my sister is my father to me. They work hard to get me were i am at and i did not appreciate anything they gave me. As i listened closely to Obama's speech i noticed everything he said was true. i quote " Your future is in your hands. Your life is what you make of it". He is absolutely correct. Everything you do is in your hands. school is very important. that's the only way that you will succeed in this life. you want a good job , to get that you need an education. we are currently dealing with the recession in New York ,so we have to be more open minded about things. If you cant get something you want ,then maybe next time you will . we have to be more mature than what we really are so we can understand things better. my mother is in disability so she cant work . Everything is up to me and my sister. to get to were I'm at right now wasn't easy. i had to be more discipline in my school work. which meant no more having fun , everything had to be about school.
© Elsa 2010